All About Wedding Hashtags

Wedding hashtags are a relatively new trend that I have got the pleasure of from start to now. When my fantastic husband ( Hey Kurt!) and I got married six years ago, it never crossed our mind to have a wedding hashtag. Since then, it has become super popular amongst couples to create a wedding hashtag to help their guests share pictures and keep everything wedding-related connected on social media. So let’s break down all there is to know about wedding hashtags and why you should have one!

What is a Wedding Hashtag?

If you are familiar with Instagram, Twitter, or the internet in general - you have probably seen hashtags before. They are used to describe or categorize a post and make it findable for people looking for that type of content. You basically just use the “#” symbol followed by a keyword to tag a post and make it searchable. Wedding hashtags do the same thing! Typically a couple will pick a combination of their names or a funny pun to note that the bride is changing her last name. If you know me, I’m a sucker for a good pun and that one of the reasons I love a good wedding hashtag!

Why should you have a wedding hashtag

There are two main reasons why couples choose to incorporate a custom hashtag into their wedding day. First, it is a great way to be able to communicate information with your guests before the wedding. Everything you post on your social media from your engagement, bachelorette/bachelor, or even a picture from your coffee date with your wedding planner can be tagged and found altogether when you search for your hashtag. The process from engagement to wedding day is full of so many exciting things and I guarantee you will be thankful when you can look back on all of those memories in one place.

Secondly, think about how many people will be capturing your big day on their iPhone ( because everyone is a photographer nowadays!) and sharing those pictures on their social media accounts. You’re going to be living in the moment so much on wedding day and the days following that you’re not going to have time to sit on your phone and scroll through the pictures of your wedding. Once you have the time to look through all those posts finally, they won’t be on your feed anymore. Luckily for you, you would be able to search for your hashtag and find all those pictures shared from your wedding!

How to have a successful Hashtag

All of that being said, you won’t get those benefits of your hashtag if your guests don’t use it! Therefore, to reap all of those benefits, you would need to make sure your guests know what your hashtag is and are reminded to use it in for their posts. A common way to do this is to actively use your hashtag yourself so your followers see it and are reminded to post it themselves. You can also have it printed on your wedding invites, programs, or menus. I have also seen signs displayed at a wedding to remind their guests which tag to use. It also helps to choose a hashtag that is easy to remember- either for being clever or simple! So how do you decided which hashtag is perfect for your wedding…

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How to Choose a Hashtag

This is the fun part! You get to be creative and decide on the perfect tag for all of those precious wedding memories. Sometimes the wedding hashtag is so obvious and stands out right away but sometimes it takes some thinking to find the perfect one. There are about a million hashtag generators online that I would recommend consulting for ideas. It’s also a great idea to reach out to friends and family and see if they have any ideas, the more brains the better. You can also search Pinterest which is always full of amazing wedding content. If all else fails, you can always go with a simple combination of your name. However, a little pro-tip for you, search the tag before locking it down to make sure your photos and memories won’t get mixed in with other couples! Uniqueness is key here!

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on wedding hashtags or if you had one at your wedding in the comments below!

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